A1109 - Wild rice growing (voluntary)

Industry code: A1109
Premium rate: 2.10

Classification Facts

Class: A - Agriculture
Rate Code: A11 - Light Agriculture Operations


Operational Details
Wild rice is a native North American grain plant that was a staple for Indian tribes. It is grown in Northern Canadian lakes and the rice is actually an aquatic grass. It is organically grown, for the most part, and is planted in lake waters between 3 inches up to 3 feet deep. Using a boat and motor, the seed is broadcasted over the desired acreage. Test plots to decide if it is a viable crop are usually between 3 to 5 acres and a single producer may plant as much as 600 to 700 acres in and around the surrounding lakes in the area. Normally 25-30 lbs. of seed is used per acre in the planting process.

The LaRonge district in Saskatchewan is where the wild rice growing began over 40 years ago. Success in this industry has been dependent on the weather and levels of the water throughout the years. Damage can sometime be extensive, with muskrats, beavers, moose and especially ducks damaging the stalks that grow in and above the water.

The plants mature in the growing season from late spring to early fall and are harvested, by using a air boat or one similar. The bow of the boat has an attachment that is a cutter or speed head that mows through the stalks above the water and the resulting kernels fall into a hopper or area set up in the boat that stores the grain.

The grain is dried and cleaned and marketed locally, or domestically by selling to food wholesalers, specialty shops, corner markets and food stores and chains.

SIC Codes
​000000008 - Wild rice growing (voluntary)

Previous Codes

NAICS 2007
Code: 11119 - Other Grain Farming