Document name
Reversing Decisions
Document number
POL 23/2014
Document name
Reversing Decisions
Document number
POL 23/2014
Effective date: January 1, 2015
Application: Claim and employer account decisions
Policy subject: Reconsiderations and appeals
To provide administrative guidelines for reversing decisions.
Policy section content
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The Workers’ Compensation Act, 2013 (the “Act”) authorizes the WCB to rescind, alter or amend any decision it has previously made (Section 20(5)).
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- The WCB may reverse decisions when:
- There is new evidence.
- The Medical Consultant provides a contrary opinion regarding the relationship of medical issues to the injury and/or employment.
- The Appeals department, Assessment Committee or Board Members provide a contrary decision to that of the decision maker.
- Operations or Employer Services staff determine that the original decision is unreasonable.
- If a reversed decision results in the termination of benefits, POL 11/2021, Terminating Benefits - Notice Period, will apply.
Policy references
Policy reference content
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Legislative Authority
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Legislative Authority
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The Workers’ Compensation Act, 2013
18, 20(5), 100(1)
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Document History
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Document History
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POL 13/91 (Amended by POL 07/98) Reversing Decisions
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