Learn about the premium rates you pay to the WCB, how premium rates are determined each year and the current year’s premium rates and industry statistics.
Premiums are the funds needed to cover the cost of WCB benefits and services that are collected from registered employers. Employers’ premiums go into an injury fund, which goes toward:
Workers’ compensation is a no-fault insurance system based on collective liability, where all employers share liability for workplace injury insurance. Employers are grouped together to form an industry rate code. Premium rates are set for each rate code based on the collective claims experience of employers within each industry rate code. All employers within an industry rate code start with the same industry premium rate.
Premium rates are determined using two key components: claims costs and payroll.
Claims costs are affected by an employer’s injury rate and duration. The costs associated with workplace injuries that have occurred in the past help us project what future claims costs will be.
Payroll is the second component that factors into the determination of premium rate calculation. Payroll is collected for all workers in all industries subject to coverage under The Saskatchewan Workers’ Compensation Act, 2013 up to the maximum assessable amount per worker.
The rate setting process ensures today’s employers pay for the costs related to today’s claims. Premiums collected in a rate year cover the lifetime costs associated with the claims that happen in that year.
If you are:
Employer services department
If you are looking for:
A dedicated resource for supporting employers in Saskatchewan. The Employer Advisory Centre is your go-to for answering questions, providing support materials, offering advice, and connecting you with the right information and contacts.
For questions on your worker’s injury claim:
Operations division