Compensation Institute 2019



TCU Place, Saskatoon, SK

Workers’ Compensation: Eliminate injuries – Restore abilities

The Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) works to encourage open and transparent communication with all our customers and partners. This is why the WCB hosted Compensation Institute 2019 on March 25 and 26, 2019 at TCU Place in Saskatoon.

This free two-day educational event featured a number of world class speakers addressing current workplace health and safety issues. The WCB’s claims management, prevention and employer services departments had sessions allowing for questions and meeting one-on-one with WCB staff.

Some of the sessions from this year’s Compensation Institute were recorded. Others were not available for recording for proprietary reasons.  Visit our YouTube channel, Sask Workers’ Compensation Board, to view the recorded sessions.

Tab title
Day 1 - Monday, March 25

8:20 am - 9:30 am



Kimm Barker, SAFEMap

No matter how effective our conventional safety devices are, there is a form of accident that appears to be inevitable, yet is preventable. These relate to accidents that result from “interacting failures” in a way that could not be foreseen by the designers. In so-called “tightly coupled production systems” (processes that happen very fast, such as on a high producing mine), the risk is even higher and our risk controls mostly introduce some sort of a technological fix. While we are on the one hand attempting to control the risk, we are also on the other hand introducing more levels of complexity, through the acts of risk controlling. Are we really controlling the risk? This is one of the fundamental questions that will be addressed in this presentation.

9:40 am - 10:40 am



Amy Groothuis, Miller Thomson LLP

The use of recreational marijuana is legal in Canada. This session will explore the rights and responsibilities of both employers and employees regarding the use of marijuana and impairment in the workplace. The presentation includes information on recreational vs medicinal use, duty to accommodate, safety sensitive environments, impairment detection, drug testing in the workplace and how
workplace policies can contribute to a culture of safety.

10:50 am - 11:50 am



Orano Canada, Public Service Commission and Creative Options

During this session, panel members will share their company’s ongoing journey to create psychologically healthy and safe work environments. Panelists will discuss the steps they took to develop their mental health strategies and solutions and share how they created tools and resources to identify and lessen psychosocial risk factors in their workplaces.

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm



Dr. Tyler Amell, Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Sciences

Workplaces today continue to struggle with both injury and illness prevention efforts, as well as disability prevention/management efforts. There are a wide variety of reasons for this. During this session, Dr. Amell will present a new, integrated model that workplaces can adopt to improve their overall approach to workplace health with an emphasis on disability prevention.

2:00 pm - 4:00 pm



How to manage your WCB claim

Join WCB experts to learn about the key components in managing an injured worker’s claim, including interactive discussions related to submitting a claim, completion of necessary forms, return to
work/modified duties, and employer/employee roles in communication.

Learn from the WCB's prevention department about safety management systems and resources for you

This session will address the major safety issues that employers and workers face in today’s workplace. Presenters will review the research and describe strategies for helping employers effectively
address Safety Management Systems (SMS) and psychological health and safety. We’ll share our new definition of serious injuries and fatalities with you.

Participants will learn together, interact with safety professionals and walk away with ideas and resources to take back to their workplaces to eliminate injuries right away.

How to make your WCB employer account work for you

Attend this session to learn about all things related to your WCB employer account. You’ll learn about your responsibilities regarding payroll and contractor reporting, and how using online services can make reporting easier and more convenient. You’ll also learn about the premium rate setting process and how your individual experience factors into the premium rates you pay through the

Experience Rating Program. You’ll also have an opportunity to ask WCB Employer Services representatives specific questions related to your account.

Learn more in our tradeshow & networking area

If you have attended the WCB sessions and would like to learn more about our partners and safety associations, please join us for the networking and tradeshows. Displayers will have interactive booths providing valuable information about health and safety.

Tab title
Day 2 - Tuesday, March 26

8:20 am - 9:30 am



Amanda Lindhout, National Speakers Bureau

In 2008, Amanda Lindhout was kidnapped by a group of criminals while working as a freelance journalist in Somalia. For 460 days she endured experiences that forced the limits of her own capacity to survive. A dramatic release brought Amanda’s next set of challenges- transitioning home and learning to live with severe post-traumatic stress disorder. During her struggle for both physical and mental survival, Amanda learned how to find, and then harness, the innate inner resource of resilience. In this focused keynote based on her own incredible personal story, Amanda explores the critical components of resilience, including optimism, mindfulness, cognitive flexibility and awareness. She describes what qualities enable our aptitude to look inwards, and ultimately cultivate mastery over our circumstances. She teaches that by developing a resilience practice anyone can train their mind to prepare for and rise above adversity, navigate uncertainty, manage stress, and improve the overall quality of their life. Amanda’s remarkable example shows that finding gratitude and forgiveness can liberate our full potential to live happy, healthy lives.

9:40 am - 10:40 am



Megan Hunt, Director of Health – Saskatchewan Labour Relations and Workplace Safety & Gerry Culina, Manager of General Health and Safety – Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety

Join the Ministry of Labour Relations and Workplace Safety and the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety as they explain the connection between safety violations, enforcement and Saskatchewan’s next wave of prevention – curated, timely information, right on your device. Prior to this session, CCOHS invites you to download the Saskatchewan Construction Safety Association’s Guide to OHS Legislation. You can find the App from Apple or the Google Play store, by searching SCSA. You can also find it on the SCSA website at

10:50 am - 11:50 am



Eldeen Pozniak, Pozniak Safety Associated Inc.

As safety professionals, committee members and supervisors, we are always trying to get someone to do or believe in something when it comes to safety. We get that to happen by our influence. During this session, Eldeen will review the biggest indicators of influence – reciprocity, scarcity, authority, consistency, social proof and liking, and how we can use them to make a difference. She will teach you how to practice aspects of power and influence to get the safety message and action delivered and acted on more effectively.

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm



How to manage your WCB claim

Join WCB experts to learn about the key components in managing an injured worker’s claim, including interactive discussions related to submitting a claim, completion of necessary forms, return to
work/modified duties and employer/employee roles in communication.

Learn from the WCB's prevention department about safety management systems and resources for you

This session will address the major safety issues that employers and workers face in today’s workplace. Presenters will review the research and describe strategies for helping employers effectively address Safety Management Systems (SMS) and psychological health and safety. We’ll share our new definition of serious injuries and fatalities with you.

Participants will learn together, interact with safety professionals and walk away with ideas and resources to take back to their workplaces to eliminate injuries right away.

How to make your WCB employer account work for you

Attend this session to learn about all things related to your WCB employer account. You’ll learn about your responsibilities regarding payroll and contractor reporting, and how using online services can make reporting easier and more convenient. You’ll also learn about the premium rate setting process and how your individual experience factors into the premium rates you pay through the Experience Rating Program. You’ll also have an opportunity to ask WCB Employer Services representatives specific questions related to your account.

Learn more in our tradeshow & networking area

If you have attended the WCB sessions and would like to learn more about our partners and safety associations, please join us for the networking and tradeshows. Displayers will have interactive booths providing valuable information about health and safety.


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