A2106 - Fertilizer and chemical application.

Industry code: A2106
Premium rate: 1.50

Classification Facts

Class: A - Agriculture
Rate Code: A21 - Farming and Ranching


Operational Details
Fertilizer businesses contract out their services with their own or rented/leased equipment, and fertilizers and spread or broadcast the product over the farmers fields. This is a more intensive process than the back packs or truck mounted sprayers used in residential and commercial fertilizer applications. The acreage covered can be in excess of 1000, whereas most often, landscaping fertilizers are applied in areas of 3-5 acres or less.

Businesses doing this work exclusively will have a large capital outlay in machinery and farm equipment. Most often, their scope of business is centred in dealing with farmers, ranchers and those in the agricultural community.

Liquid fertilizers are also used and anhydrous ammonia is used and applied by using a special applicator that can often be rented or leased from a bulk fuel distributor, classified in C62-01. When done by a bulk agent or dealer and Policy 4:00.02 is met, an additional classification should be assessed in this subcode.

SIC Codes
000000034 - Fertilizer Application
000001012 - Chemical Application
000001013 - Fertilizer & Chemical Application

Previous Codes

NAICS 2007
Code: 11511 - Support Activities for Crop Production