G3101 - Cities

Industry code: G3101
Premium rate: 1.66

Classification Facts

Class: G - Government and Municipal
Rate Code: G31 - Cities, Towns, Villages


Operational Details
A city is a type of incorporated urban municipality in Saskatchewan. A city can be created from a town by Saskatchewan's Minister of Municipal Relations by ministerial order via section 39 of The Cities Act if it has a population of 5,000 or more and the change in status is requested by the town council.
Cities provide local government through various departments including: administration, policing, fire department, utilities, sanitation, health, engineering, transit, parks and recreation. Each area or division of a city is responsible for its goals and objectives, and they must conform to an overall plan approved by the city administration.
A city, out of necessity, will have its own road maintenance, parks and recreation maintenance staff, with a large inventory of equipment used to maintain roads and to haul garbage, etc. The hiring of subcontractors with their own equipment may be essential in removal of snow, debris from wind or hail storms, etc.

SIC Codes
000000456 - City

Previous Codes

NAICS 2007
Code: 56111 - Office Administrative Services
91311 - Municipal Courts of Law
91312 - Municipal Correctional Services
91313 - Municipal Police Services
91314 - Municipal Fire-Fighting Services
91315 - Municipal Regulatory Services
91319 - Other Municipal Protective Services
91391 - Other Local, Municipal and Regional Public Administration