M9405 - Barrel and drum reconditioning

Industry code: M9405
Premium rate: 1.51

Classification Facts

Class: M - Manufacturing and Processing
Rate Code: M94 - Iron and Steel Fabrication


Operational Details
Steel barrel and drum reconditioning basically involves the cleaning of the vessels in a caustic soda bath, repairing punctures, replacing bunghole caps, and replacing the top or bottom end caps.

Drums and barrels may be steam cleaned or sand blasted to remove debris and rust. They may also be painted or treated. Small inventories of plate steel may be inventoried to produce end caps for the barrels or drums.

Welding, steam, sand blasting, roll forming, braking, cutting, and painting equipment are used.

The reconditioned barrels and drums are stored in a yard or inside the repair facility prior to and after reconditioning and are transported by either a third party carrier or by the customer.

SIC Codes
000000617 - Barrel and drum reconditioning

Previous Codes

NAICS 2007
Code: 81131 - Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment (except Automotive and Electronic) Repair and Maintenance