S1102 - Band masters, music band office

Industry code: S1102
Premium rate: 0.19

Classification Facts

Class: S - Service Industry
Rate Code: S11 - Legal Offices, Financial, Drafting


Operational Details
Band masters, music or band offices are independent businesses that provide services for orchestras by conducting; live theatres, in the arranging and conducting of music; select and interpret musical works and lead bands, orchestras or choirs during rehearsals and performances.

Band leaders may also arrange, adapt and modify musical compositions to convey desired themes and to suit particular instrumental and vocal performances. Often these leaders specialize in one type of music such as classical, country, jazz, popular, or marching band music.

SIC Codes
000000665 - Band masters, music band office

Previous Codes

NAICS 2007
Code: 71151 - Independent Artists, Writers and Performers