S2108 - Protective services, bailiff, detective services, Corps of Commissionaires, Frontiersmen, house sitters, security patrol, investigation services.

Industry code: S2108
Premium rate: 1.39

Classification Facts

Class: S - Service Industry
Rate Code: S21 - Community and Social Services


Operational Details
Protective services include security patrols or operators who provide unarmed security personnel to act as off-hours receptionists in public buildings or private compounds. They monitor buildings and compounds by making rounds and generally ensuring security is maintained. They also accompany unwanted clients from premises or refuse entry. Security patrols also are responsible to stop vandalism and loitering in shopping centres.

Bailiffs serve legal documents on behalf of the courts, effect collection, seize assets, perform surveillance, and arrange for transportation of seized property.

Detectives provide surveillance in civil matters, investigations in criminal cases, and implement loss control measures in corporations to detect fraud, investigate missing persons, provide domestic dispute surveillance, etc. The detective agencies usually work on a daily fee, including expenses.

House sitting is a service offered mostly to private home owners. The client hires a bonded professional who has insurance, should any loss or damage occur, while the house sitter is in charge of the premises. A fee is charged to look after the place by occupying it, and ensuring the place is maintained. While small household chores may be undertaken, lawn maintenance and repairs are not their responsibility. This must be either looked after beforehand by the client, or the house sitting business must be empowered to contract the necessary services on behalf of the home or property owner.

The Corps of Commissionaires is comprised of ex-military and RCMP personnel whose services are normally engaged by different levels of government to provide services such as parking attendant, building, or night watchman. They may also provide security to private industry and may act as doormen, mail distributors within buildings, special events security, industrial inventory guard, etc. Frontiersmen provide similar services and are exposed to similar risks.

SIC Codes
000000428 - Corps of Commissionaires
000000970 - Security patrol
000000969 - Investigation
000000905 - Bailiff
000000723 - House sitter
000000722 - Security/investigation
000000429 - Frontiersmen

Previous Codes

NAICS 2007
Code: 56161 - Investigation, Guard and Armoured Car Services
81299 - All Other Personal Services