S4108 - Postal services

Industry code: S4108
Premium rate: 0.38

Classification Facts

Class: S - Service Industry
Rate Code: S41 - Engineering, Testing and Surveying


Operational Details
Postal services provided include the operation of postal outlets, which involves calculating and affixing the correct postage on letters, parcels, and registered mail, as well as receiving payment from customers, selling stamps, prepaid mail, courier envelopes and money orders; re-routing mail to the proper delivery stream; obtaining signatures from recipients for registered or special delivery mail and keeping records; answering inquiries and completing forms regarding the change of address, theft or loss of mail; and balancing daily transactions.

Postal outlets are responsible to Canada Post, an arm of the Federal Government.

SIC Codes
000000791 - Postal service

Previous Codes

NAICS 2007
Code: 49111 - Postal Service