Classification index

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Industry Code Description Rate code Sort descending Premium rate
B1322 Structural steel B13 - Commercial, Industrial Construction 1.98
B1309 Greenhouse construction and installation B13 - Commercial, Industrial Construction, Greenhouse Construction. 1.98
C1224 Advertising agencies, communication agencies, auctioneering platforms, e-commerce platforms and direct mail services. C12 - Light Commodity 0.65
C1225 Newspaper and other publishing, without on-site printing C12 - Light Commodity 0.65
C1201 Dry goods, clothing stores, milliners, wig shops, leather goods, shoe stores (including repair), safety supplies, medical supplies C12 - Light Commodity Marketing 0.65
C1202 Tailoring and seamstressing, sewing machine sales and service, C12 - Light Commodity Marketing 0.65
C1203 Book stores, stationery stores, school supply stores, music stores, photo shops, craft and hobby shops, gift and variety shops. Art galleries, picture framing stores and clock manufacturing and repairs. C12 - Light Commodity Marketing 0.65
C1204 Piano tuning C12 - Light Commodity Marketing 0.65
C1205 Florist, interior landscaping C12 - Light Commodity Marketing 0.65
C1206 Trophies and medals C12 - Light Commodity Marketing 0.65
C1207 Handicraft sales C12 - Light Commodity Marketing 0.65
C1208 Tobacco stores, vape stores, health foods and cannabis retail C12 - Light Commodity Marketing 0.65
C1209 Pool halls, bowling alleys, miniature golf, all other indoor recreational activities C12 - Light Commodity Marketing 0.65
C1210 Theatre C12 - Light Commodity Marketing 0.65
C1211 Paint and wallpaper C12 - Light Commodity Marketing 0.65
C1212 Veterinary supplies, pet shops, garden and seed supplies C12 - Light Commodity Marketing 0.65
C1213 Retail drugs and pharmacies C12 - Light Commodity Marketing 0.65
C1214 Hair salon supplies C12 - Light Commodity Marketing 0.65
C1215 Liquor vendor, beer and wine stores, beer and wine making supplies C12 - Light Commodity Marketing 0.65
C1216 Second-hand, thrift store C12 - Light Commodity Marketing 0.65
C1217 Computer sales and service, business machines, office equipment, inventory work C12 - Light Commodity Marketing 0.65
C1218 Optical outlets C12 - Light Commodity Marketing 0.65
C1220 Pharmaceutical preparations and manufacturing, manufacture of plastic items C12 - Light Commodity Marketing 0.65
C1221 Bookbinding C12 - Light Commodity Marketing 0.65
C1222 Electrical or electronic component assembly C12 - Light Commodity Marketing 0.65