Document name
Coverage – Volunteer Firefighters
Document number
PRO 04/2006
Document name
Coverage – Volunteer Firefighters
Document number
PRO 04/2006
Effective date: February 1, 2006
Application: Claims for volunteer firefighters from Saskatchewan municipalities
Policy subject: Employer coverage and registration
To provide coverage for volunteer firefighters.
Policy section content
Section detail
- The respective Saskatchewan municipality is designated as the “Employer” and will be responsible for maintaining records of volunteer firefighters eligible for coverage under this policy, and for reporting all injuries to the Workers’ Compensation Board.
- Coverage shall be in effect from the time of notification of a fire and includes travel from the individual’s residence or location to the site of the fire and return provided there are no deviations for personal reasons. Coverage is also in effect while attending volunteer firefighter training.
- In the event of a claim, Employer Services will verify with the respective Saskatchewan municipality that the claimant is registered as a volunteer firefighter. The cost of the claim will be applied directly to the cost experience of the municipality in which the volunteer firefighter is registered and the appropriate municipality rate code will be used for cost identification purposes.
- Cost statements will be issued to the respective Saskatchewan municipality and the cost of extending coverage to volunteer firefighters will be reflected in future premiums charged to the Saskatchewan cities, towns, villages and rural municipalities rate code.
Policy references
Policy reference content
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Act Sec #
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Act Sec #
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2(1)(ii)(ii), 20(2)(b);
The Workers’ Compensation Miscellaneous Regulations 3(gg).
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01 January 2014. References updated in accordance with The Workers’ Compensation Act, 2013
Reference updated 01 May 2015 in accordance with The Workers’ Compensation Miscellaneous Regulations
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Page/document title
Board Directive 25/74 Coverage – Volunteer Fire Brigade
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Section detail
Call to action