M4104 - Dairy products

Industry code: M4104
Premium rate: 1.81

Classification Facts

Class: M - Manufacturing and Processing
Rate Code: M41 - Dairy Products, Soft Drinks


Operational Details
Raw milk is purchased from dairy farmers and trucked to the manufacturing plant where the milk is then put through various processes to produce end products such as: milk, ice cream, butter, cottage cheese, cheese, eggnog, buttermilk, etc.

An integral part of the processing is the pasteurization (heat) of milk and cream, and homogenization (blending) and bottling in glass or plastic containers or bottles for delivery.

By-products such as ice cream, butter, and cottage cheese are blended, fermented, heated, and then cooled to achieve the desired result. The speciality products are either packaged or heat sealed.

Milk delivery is included in this classification.

SIC Codes
000000512 - Dairy products
000000817 - Milk delivery urban

Previous Codes

NAICS 2007
Code: 31151 - Dairy Product (except Frozen) Manufacturing
31152 - Ice Cream and Frozen Dessert Manufacturing