M4203 - Food preparation and packaging, fish packing on ice, canning, sodium bicarbonate manufacturing, pet food preparation

Industry code: M4203
Premium rate: 1.16

Classification Facts

Class: M - Manufacturing and Processing
Rate Code: M42 -Bakeries, Food Prep and Packaging


Operational Details
Food products are purchased from farmers and vegetable producers. The vegetables and other edible products are then mixed, blended, or ground, then cooked or baked. Raw materials are used to produce gravy, soup bases, seasonings, fillers and coatings. The actual vegetables are freeze dried, pressure cooked and canned or bleached and dried. Sour cabbage, carrots, peas and beans, beets, cauliflower, etc. are some of the products processed.

Another type of food preparation businesses that are included in this subcode is that of pet food. They use similar processes as above.

 The processing and packaging of coffee is also part of this industry. Coffee processing consists of grinding and blending the coffee beans, followed by packaging in paper or plastic bags or tins. Roasting and adding flavouring is part of the process and special blends may be produced to meet the customer’s specifications.

Sunflower seeds are processed by roasting, flavouring and packaging in consumer sized bags or packages, or sold in bulk in larger cloth or paper bags. They may be used for human consumption and for the feeding of wild birds. Mushroom processing is also included and involves the picking, dehydrating, and packaging the mushrooms.

Canned foods are also part of this industry. After washing, shelling, peeling, slicing, blanching, or preparing the vegetables or products, the stock is placed in large covered vats and cooked under pressure. The product is then cooled, sent through an assembly line and measured amounts are then placed in empty tins, which are filled, and the tins are then sealed under pressure. Labels are applied and the products are stored in boxes, cartons, or cases, and are pelletized for shipment. Normally, assembly line operations sell only wholesale to food stores.

Frozen vegetables go through much the same process up to and including the blanching stage (changing the colour of the product). However, in this process the vegetables are conveyed through a freezing tunnel, quick frozen, and packaged in bulk. Repackaging in consumer sized bags takes place later.

Strawberries, raspberries and other fruits are also processed in this industry and the product again is cooked, and placed in sealed containers and stored in freezers or coolers until the product is shipped.

Fish packing on ice involves the purchasing of the fish from producers fresh. They are then packed in shaved ice for shipment to food stores. This is basically a wholesale type operation, however, it may also be undertaken by a smaller business who supplies one or two businesses with fresh fish, who must ensure they are kept in a semi-frozen state to avoid spoilage.

While the aforementioned is not an all-inclusive list of products processed and packaged in the province, it is representative of a number of operations. Those subjected to similar risk and competing for similar business belong in this industry.

Employers in this industry usually have large warehouse type storage facilities for distributing their products.

SIC Codes
000000517 - Food prep./packaging
000000518 - Fish packing
000000885 - Sodium bicarbonate mfg
000000519 - Canning
000001014 - Pet Food Preparation

Previous Codes

NAICS 2007
Code: 31111 - Animal Food Manufacturing
31171 - Seafood Product Preparation and Packaging
31199 - All Other Food Manufacturing