M4207 - Manufacture of vegetable oils

Industry code: M4207
Premium rate: 1.16

Classification Facts

Class: M - Manufacturing and Processing
Rate Code: M42 -Bakeries, Food Prep and Packaging


Operational Details
Vegetable oil is manufactured from raw vegetables and grains. Canola, corn, and olives may also be pressed to produce oil. The remaining mash is further processed to remove all traces of the oil and the waste is made into animal food supplements as a by-product of the oil processing.

Raw canola oil is refined and shipped to producers who further refine the product into other finished product lines.

The manufacturing process includes mashing, heat treating, evaporation, blending, mixing and packaging or bottling the product. Assembly lines are often used with functionalized workers performing perhaps only one task. Shipping and receiving, blending and packaging are tasks undertaken by workers. The repair and maintenance of material handling equipment and conveyor system is often done in-house.

SIC Codes
000000525 - Mfg. vegetable oils

Previous Codes

NAICS 2007
Code: 31122 - Starch and Vegetable Fat and Oil Manufacturing