S1205 - Medical offices and laboratories

Industry code: S1205
Premium rate: 0.32

Classification Facts

Class: S - Service Industry
Rate Code: S12 - Offices, Professionals


Operational Details
Medical clinics or offices are privately run and offer minor surgical procedures, including day surgery. Workers employed include doctors, anesthesiologists, nurses, receptionists, clerical staffed and administrative personnel.

Chiropractic clinics are also classified under medical offices. Clinics may hire health care practitioners such as massage therapists. A Chiropractor is usually the first contact practitioner for neuromusculoskeletal conditions. A Chiropractor may be referred to as a Chiro.

Medical laboratories conduct medical laboratory tests, experiments and analyses to assist in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease. Some procedures include blood, tissue and urinalysis tests. The workers prepare specimens for microscopic examination, using techniques to demonstrate cellular tissue elements or other characteristics.

Medical labs may also specialize in areas such s clinical chemistry, microbiology, hematology, immunohematology and cytotechnology. Doctors and their assistants may also perform autopsies and surgical specimen examinations. They may dissect, examine, weigh and photograph organs and specimens for chemical analysis and record findings, and finally prepare bodies for release to funeral homes.

Some medical clinic or office doctors may also have hospital operating privileges.

SIC Codes
000000679 - Medical offices
000000680 - Medical laboratories

Previous Codes

NAICS 2007
Code: 62111 - Offices of Physicians
62151 - Medical and Diagnostic Laboratories