S1209 - Photography studios, digital photography

Industry code: S1209
Premium rate: 0.32

Classification Facts

Class: S - Service Industry
Rate Code: S12 - Offices, Professionals


Operational Details
Photographers use a blend of technical skills to photograph people, scenes, materials, products and other subjects. This may be done in a studio setting. They may be hired to photograph on a commercial or private basis. Photographers may have their own studios in which they develop and sell their photographs.

A business that does aerial photography using a drone exclusively, and does not use an airplane or helicopter for aerial photographs, is classified in this industry. A drone is also known as an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) or a Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS).
Aerial photography where images are taken from a manned plane or helicopter is not part of this industry.

SIC Codes
000000688 - Photography studio
000000972 - Digital photography

Previous Codes

NAICS 2007
Code: 54192 - Photographic Services