S1213 - Collection agencies, custom brokerage offices, insurance adjusters, manufacturer agents

Industry code: S1213
Premium rate: 0.32

Classification Facts

Class: S - Service Industry
Rate Code: S12 - Offices, Professionals
Subcode: 13


Operational Details
Collection agencies are operated by employers who undertake contracts to collect over-due and uncollectible accounts for clients. Writing letters, using the telephone, and filing documents with the “Small Debts Court” are some of the activities. Revenue is earned by charging the client a percentage on the collected funds. It may involve telephone and personal contact.

Custom brokerage offices or houses clear goods through customs. Custom brokers prepare documents and forms according to custom regulations, laws and procedures. They arrange for payment of duties, taxes, storage and transportation of imported goods and bonds to cover duty goods. They also provide advice on export and import restrictions, tariff systems, letters of credit, insurance requirements, and related matters.

Insurance Adjusters investigate insurance claims and determine the amount of loss or damages covered by insurance policies. After determining the loss, they negotiate settlement of the claim and prepare relevant adjustment reports. Primarily adjusters investigate circumstances surrounding insurance claims to determine their validity. They inspect automobiles, homes and other property types. They take statements, consult with claimants, accident witnesses, doctors, policemen, and other relevant individuals and also examine records or reports.

Manufacturer agents represent a number of manufacturers with a base of operations in the province of Saskatchewan. The manufacturer does not sell over the counter, on a retail basis, but stores and distributes the products from a warehouse facility. The agent takes orders from prospective clients and the products are shipped from the manufacturer directly to the customer. Samples may be carried by the sale representative. In most cases, the products are sold on a wholesale basis, rather than being sold to the end user.

SIC Codes
000000694 - Collection agency
000000695 - Custom brokerage
000000697 - Manufacturer agent
000000696 - Insurance adjuster

Previous Codes

NAICS 2007
Code: 41912 - Wholesale Trade Agents and Brokers
48851 - Freight Transportation Arrangement
52429 - Other Insurance Related Activities
56144 - Collection Agencies