S1217 - Radio and TV stations.

Industry code: S1217
Premium rate: 0.32

Classification Facts

Class: S - Service Industry
Rate Code: S12 - Offices, Professionals
Subcode: 17


Operational Details
Radio stations broadcast news, sports, weather, music and generally earn their revenue from the selling of advertising spots. Shows or programming may be purchased from other networks, or broadcast live. Disc jockeys, announcers, production crews, programmers, writers, advertising staff and administration are employed by the stations.

Local radio broadcasts may also be done from remote locations such as at store openings, rodeos, expositions, cultural or sporting events. The station may be AM or FM, depending on the market being sought. FM radio is of higher quality and has more of the performing arts on it. AM is broadcast more on a local basis and does not have the power to be received at greater distances.

TV stations operate in a similar manner to radio stations, by also selling advertising spots to earn revenue. Field or on-site reporting is an important factor. Mobile unit production is used to produce live broadcasts of local and important newsworthy events. TV stations employ workers who also have similar skills to radio broadcasting operations. A major difference is the need to use camera skills and talent, with a strong emphasis on visual arts and entertainment.

Radio and TV stations, as communicators, also use the services of other networks and larger broadcast and television companies to obtain news and weather information.

SIC Codes
000000701 - Radio/TV station

Previous Codes

NAICS 2007
Code: 51511 - Radio Broadcasting
51512 - Television Broadcasting