Classification index

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B1315 Concrete reservoirs, concrete bridge approaches B13 - Commercial, Industrial Construction 1.98
B1316 Drywall includes boarding, taping and incidental spraytex, stippling, metal studs and acoustic ceilings B13 - Commercial, Industrial Construction 1.98
B1317 Commercial construction and renovations such as apartment buildings, office buildings, etc. B13 - Commercial, Industrial Construction 1.98
B1318 Bricklaying and masonry, refractory lining work, marble and stone setting B13 - Commercial, Industrial Construction 1.98
B1320 Roofing, shingle, tar and gravel, asphalt, metal and roof insulation B13 - Commercial, Industrial Construction 1.98
B1321 Scaffolding B13 - Commercial, Industrial Construction 1.98
B1322 Structural steel B13 - Commercial, Industrial Construction 1.98
A1101 Artificial insemination A11 - Light Agriculture Operations 2.26
A1102 Poultry farming (voluntary), poultry collection and loading. A11 - Light Agriculture Operations 2.26
A1103 Nurseries, tree or shrub A11 - Light Agriculture Operations 2.26
A1106 Commercial fishing (voluntary) A11 - Light Agriculture Operations 2.26
A1107 Trapping (voluntary) A11 - Light Agriculture Operations 2.26
A1108 Fur farming (voluntary) A11 - Light Agriculture Operations 2.26
A1109 Wild rice growing (voluntary) A11 - Light Agriculture Operations 2.26
A1110 Fish hatcheries (voluntary) A11 - Light Agriculture Operations 2.26
A1112 Market gardening A11 - Light Agriculture Operations 2.26
A1114 Piggery (voluntary) A11 - Light Agriculture Operations 2.26
A1115 Honey processing and apiaries A11 - Light Agriculture Operations 2.26
A1116 Operation of feedlots, other livestock yards (voluntary) A11 - Light Agriculture Operations 2.26
A1117 Operation of stockyards with railway entry A11 - Light Agriculture Operations 2.26
A1118 Auctioneering of livestock and/or machinery A11 - Light Agriculture Operations 2.26
A1119 Lawn maintenance, snow removal (small equipment), garden tilling, horticulture. A11 - Light Agriculture Operations 2.26
A1120 Riding academies, stables A11 - Light Agriculture Operations 2.26
A1122 Tree Planting A11 - Light Agriculture Operations 2.26
M8101 Iron and steel processing M81 - Metal Foundaries & Mills 2.30