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Industry Code Description Rate code Premium rate Sort ascending
M6209 Briquette production, candle manufacture M62 - Mills, Semi Medium Manufacturing 1.85
M6210 Semi medium manufacture and assembly, light aircraft manufacture and assembly M62 - Mills, Semi Medium Manufacturing 1.85
M6212 Boat and canoe manufacture M62 - Mills, Semi Medium Manufacturing 1.85
M6213 Furniture manufacture M62 - Mills, Semi Medium Manufacturing 1.85
M6214 Bottle exchanges, can recycling, general recycling M62 - Mills, Semi Medium Manufacturing 1.85
R1101 Roadwork, earthmoving, paving streets, driveways; dam construction (excluding concrete work), dredging, breakwaters; earthwork incidental to bridge approaches, dragline work, bobcat work incidental to earthwork and land development R11 - Road Construction and Earthwork, 1.84
R1103 Peat moss production and hauling R11 - Road Construction and Earthwork, 1.84
R1106 Excavating cellars, basements, foundations, backhoe R11 - Road Construction and Earthwork, 1.84
R1107 Vinyl lining for holding ponds, etc. R11 - Road Construction and Earthwork, 1.84
R1108 Gravel work - pits, crushing, hauling and stockpiling; asphalt manufacturing and hauling, clay pits, quarrying R11 - Road Construction and Earthwork, 1.84
R1109 Landscaping, tree trimming, park development as a business, lawn sprinkler installation, tree thinning, compost, land reclaiming R11 - Road Construction and Earthwork, 1.84
R1111 Airport runways R11 - Road Construction and Earthwork, 1.84
R1112 Railway construction and removal R11 - Road Construction and Earthwork, 1.84
R1113 Irrigation work R11 - Road Construction and Earthwork, 1.84
R1114 Trenching for wire conduits, plowing and directional drilling for cable line installation R11 - Road Construction and Earthwork, 1.84
R1115 Power and telephone line construction incl. maintenance and removal other than Government of Saskatchewan or Saskatchewan Power Corporation R11 - Road Construction and Earthwork, 1.84
R1116 Ice harvesting R11 - Road Construction and Earthwork, 1.84
R1117 Cat work, (miscellaneous) snow removal, parking lot maintenance, sanding, scarifying, acrylic painting of roads and parking lots, horizontal/ augering services, boring services, sodium sulphate harvesting, ground fire crew R11 - Road Construction and Earthwork, 1.84
R1118 Corral and feed lot cleaning as a business, manure spreading, mowing of right of way, custom rock picking by or for an industry under the Act. R11 - Road Construction and Earthwork, 1.84
R1119 Septic tank installation R11 - Road Construction and Earthwork, 1.84
R1120 Pipeline construction, gas line including maintenance, repair, testing and stringing, pipeline testing R11 - Road Construction and Earthwork, 1.84
R1121 Land clearing, brushcutting and stumping (Crown land is mandatory and private land is voluntary) R11 - Road Construction and Earthwork, 1.84
R1122 Building moving R11 - Road Construction and Earthwork, 1.84
R1123 Equipment rental and incidental maintenance with operators including cranes, pneumatic concrete pumping, mudjacking R11 - Road Construction and Earthwork, 1.84
R1124 Sewer and water trenching, tunnelling, canals R11 - Road Construction and Earthwork, 1.84