Classification index

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Industry Code Description Rate code Sort descending Premium rate
G5101 The Crown in the Right of Saskatchewan G51 - Government of Saskatchewan and Ministries 1.24
G5102 Other ministries and agencies. G51 - Government of Saskatchewan and Ministries 1.24
M3101 Manufacturing, transmission and distribution of natural and artificial gas including propane M31 - Manufacturing, Pipeline Operations 0.45
M3102 Operation of pipelines, including safety maintenance M31 - Manufacturing, Pipeline Operations 0.45
M3103 Solution potash mining, sodium sulfate production, manufacture tobacco products M31 - Manufacturing, Pipeline Operations 0.45
M3104 Wholesale marketing and storage of petroleum products M31 - Manufacturing, Pipeline Operations 0.45
M3105 Manufacture of emulsified asphalt M31 - Manufacturing, Pipeline Operations 0.45
M3106 Lime kilns M31 - Manufacturing, Pipeline Operations 0.45
M3301 Refineries and upgraders (operation) M33 - Refineries and Upgrader 0.67
M3302 Manufacture of chemicals, corrosive acids, fertilizers, pulp and paper M33 - Refineries and Upgrader 0.67
M4104 Dairy products M41 - Dairy Products, Soft Drinks 1.81
M4105 Soft drinks and soda water M41 - Dairy Products, Soft Drinks 1.81
M4201 Bakeries M42 -Bakeries, Food Prep and Packaging 1.16
M4203 Food preparation and packaging, fish packing on ice, canning, sodium bicarbonate manufacturing, pet food preparation M42 -Bakeries, Food Prep and Packaging 1.16
M4204 Wholesale bakeries and chain food store bakeries M42 -Bakeries, Food Prep and Packaging 1.16
M4205 Manufacture of condiments, confectionery, vinegar, pickles, cider M42 -Bakeries, Food Prep and Packaging 1.16
M4206 Manufacture of alcoholic beverages M42 -Bakeries, Food Prep and Packaging 1.16
M4207 Manufacture of vegetable oils M42 -Bakeries, Food Prep and Packaging 1.16
M4208 Cannabis product manufacturing M42 -Bakeries, Food Prep and Packaging 1.16
M6215 Paint, dyes, bleach, soaps, extracts, mucilage M62 - Mills, Semi Medium Manufacturing 1.85
M6216 Cordage, rope, fibres, mud flap manufacture M62 - Mills, Semi Medium Manufacturing 1.85
M6218 Electric cables and wires M62 - Mills, Semi Medium Manufacturing 1.85
M6219 Manufacture of glass beads M62 - Mills, Semi Medium Manufacturing 1.85
M6220 Preparation of hides including curing and tanning M62 - Mills, Semi Medium Manufacturing 1.85
M6221 Manufacture of cement (no quarry) and aggregate M62 - Mills, Semi Medium Manufacturing 1.85